Management ensures that resources are available for future generations. Explore strategies, policies, and advocacy tools for the long-term conservation and sustainable use of marine and inland fisheries. 


Shark and Ray Recovery Fact Sheet 3 - Tubbataha, Philippines

Recovery of reef and tiger sharks in Tubbataha, Philippines: Three decades of conservation efforts at a remote Philippine coral reef complex – which have included plenty of trial and error as well as successes – have paid off, and today underpin one of the most important areas for sharks in the Coral Triangle.

Identifying Pathways for Climate-Resilient Multispecies Fisheries

These case studies – from Mexico, Cuba, and Chile – differ in data richness, governance structure, and management resources. The management systems are also in various stages of evolution from unmanaged to complete management of a single species but transitioning to multispecies management.

The Great Blue Wall: Good practices for marine and coastal conservation in the Western Indian Ocean

The aim of this PANORAMA Solutions in focus publication is to highlight existing good practices in the WIO region that contribute to the three main objectives of the GBW. Scaling such solutions across the region and integrating these into future planning and investments, as well as supporting knowledge exchange amongst key actors to build on “what works”, will all be key to achieving the ambitious goal of the GBW. This publication focuses on 46 PANORAMA Solutions from the WIO region that provide a good representativity of the range of actions delivering tangible outcomes and that are promising for further development. We first classified them according to the GBW’s three components. We then identified their contributions to ecosystem health, human well-being or both, based on the description provided in the solutions’ impact section.

The Status, Achievements and Impacts of Collaborative Fisheries Management Approaches in the SWIO Region

The main aim of this report is to establish the status and achievement of co-management, contribute to the development of successful fisheries co-management in the SWIO region and share lessons learned from previous and existing interventions. The information generated in this report will be of invaluable contribution to the own going fisheries co-management interventions and future work on this topic. There are various fisheries co-management initiatives in the SWIO region supported by both government and non-governmental entities.

Coral Reef Monitoring in Eastern Africa - A Guide for Communities

This guide fills a critical gap by providing a carefully thought through and practical approach for community-led coral reef and fisheries monitoring. It provides guidance on how local communities, with minimal support, can independently undertake simple coral reef habitat and fisheries monitoring, data collection, analysis and interpretation of their data to improve understanding of the status of their resource and be able to devise appropriate management actions.

A policy and legal diagnostic tool for sustainable small-scale fisheries

This diagnostic tool advances the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) through policy and legal frameworks. By using this tool, users are able to recognize the national policy and legal instruments that are relevant to small-scale fisheries in a country, consistent with the SSF Guidelines.