How can your fishery build and exchange knowledge and facilitate change? From capacity enhancement and communication resources to methodologies to facilitate community-based activities, explore methods that can help support participation and advance action in the sub-categories below. 


Comités Consultivos de Manejo y Ordenamiento Pesquero: guía para conocer, formar y operar un comité consultivo de manejo pesquero

El presente documento es una guía que reúne información, experiencias y recomendaciones sobre los Comités Consultivos de Manejo Pesquero (Comités Consultivos). Está dirigida principalmente a las personas que forman parte de una pesquería o región pesquera y se encuentran interesadas en participar en el manejo responsable y participativo de los recursos pesqueros.

Guía de Procesos Participativos de la Estrategia de Gobernanza del LIFE INTEMARES

Esta guía de procesos participativos, que se enmarca dentro de la “Estrategia de Gobernanza para los espacios de la Red Natura 2000 marina del proyecto LIFE INTEMARES”, tiene como objetivo ofrecer un marco de trabajo, propuestas y herramientas, extrapolables a cualquier espacio marino protegido, para inspirar y orientar una nueva gestión del mar. Un nuevo modelo en el que la investigación y la participación activa de los sectores implicados deben marcar el rumbo en todo momento.

Putting the Voluntary Guidelines on Tenure and the Voluntary Guidelines on Small-scale Fisheries into Practice: A Learning Guide for Civil Society Organizations

This learning guide has been designed specifically to give civil society and grassroots organizations a deeper understanding of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) and the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines). The aim is to enable the members of these organizations and their constituents, especially small-scale fishers and fishworkers, to use the VGGT and SSF Guidelines meaningfully and effectively to improve the governance of tenure in their respective countries.

Financing small-scale fisheries in Thailand

This policy brief aims to inform financial institutions in Thailand about the opportunities and challenges associated with financing small-scale fisheries. It outlines the key findings from a supply and-demand analysis of financial services that was carried out in 2021 among small-scale fishers, fisherfolk organizations and financial service providers in Thailand.