What information exists about your fishery and how can you ensure your fishery thrives now and in the future? Local knowledge, science and data collection are needed to make management decisions to support  the responsible, sustainable, and long-term use of fishery resources. Start here to learn about participatory data collection and the introduction to fisheries management and explore the sub-categories below.


Fish Smart

This is a call to action from fishers to their colleagues in the Wider Caribbean. It shows the mesmerizing behavior of species that aggregate to spawn in the wider Caribbean, and exposes the reasons why fishing spawning fish doesn't pay off. The film is also a call for fishers to participate in the decision-making process and the search for alternative likelihoods that provide income during the fishing bans. Ultimately the message is FISH SMART, protect spawning aggregations.

Live Bait Best Practices - Maldives (Booklet)

One-by-one fishing techniques are widely considered as the most sustainable forms of fishing, especially for environmentally vulnerable places like the Maldives. However, these techniques do require a substantial amount of live bait, which must be managed with care. This booklet explores best practices for bait fishing and handling to promote responsible practices amidst environmental challenges.

Live Bait Best Practices - Maldives

One-by-one fishing techniques are widely considered as the most sustainable forms of fishing, especially for environmentally vulnerable places like the Maldives. However, these techniques do require a substantial amount of live bait, which must be managed with care. In this video, we will explore best practices for bait fishing and handling to promote responsible practices amidst environmental challenges. In the video we look at wet scooping, reducing the 'slosh effect', bait well lighting, water circulation and aeration, removing dead bait, and overcrowding.

Estudio de costo beneficio de escenarios de recuperación de la pesquería de mero en Yucatán

En 2020, un estudio de escenarios y proyecciones de aprovechamiento de la pesquería de mero en Yucatán reportó que las cuotas de captura podrían ser parte de las medidas de manejo aplicables para la recuperación del stock, además de explorar los posibles efectos de la selectividad de las artes de pesca y la variabilidad ambiental en el stock de mero rojo. Es por lo anterior que el objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar los efectos en la población y los costos asociados en el corto y mediano plazo del establecimiento de una cuota de captura, así como la modificación de las tallas de captura a través de un incremento en el tamaño del anzuelo utilizado para su captura, bajo condiciones ambientales promedio y bajo dos escenarios de cambio climático.

Comités Consultivos de Manejo y Ordenamiento Pesquero: guía para conocer, formar y operar un comité consultivo de manejo pesquero

El presente documento es una guía que reúne información, experiencias y recomendaciones sobre los Comités Consultivos de Manejo Pesquero (Comités Consultivos). Está dirigida principalmente a las personas que forman parte de una pesquería o región pesquera y se encuentran interesadas en participar en el manejo responsable y participativo de los recursos pesqueros.

Illuminating Hidden Harvests (IHH) Report

The IHH study was carried out in support of the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines), themselves developed in recognition of the plight of small-scale fishers, fishworkers and associated communities and released as a contribution to the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022. The purpose of this report is to contribute to a more holistic understanding of what small-scale fisheries are, their importance, and why they are essential to efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).