Small-scale fisheries face many injustices and inequities that must be overcome. Discover how coastal communities and small-scale fisheries are affected by the blue economy and sustainable ocean development. 


Small-Scale Fisheries and Blue Justice: Procedural and Substantive Rights of Fisherfolks

This seminar will explore the role and practical relevance of international legal instruments for the recognition and full realisation of the human rights of small-scale fishers, such as the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)’s Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the context of food security and poverty eradication.

Comités Consultivos de Manejo y Ordenamiento Pesquero: guía para conocer, formar y operar un comité consultivo de manejo pesquero

El presente documento es una guía que reúne información, experiencias y recomendaciones sobre los Comités Consultivos de Manejo Pesquero (Comités Consultivos). Está dirigida principalmente a las personas que forman parte de una pesquería o región pesquera y se encuentran interesadas en participar en el manejo responsable y participativo de los recursos pesqueros.

Blue Infrastructure Supporting SDG 14 in Coastal Communities in Indonesia

In this white paper, “Blue Infrastructure Supporting SDG 14 in Coastal Communities in Indonesia,” we outline the pros, cons, and impact of blue infrastructure solutions, alternatives, and adaptations to gray infrastructure that will best suit the needs of coastal communities in Indonesia. We provide examples of what is working around the world, and hope this serves as a resource for other partners and decision-makers who want to achieve U.N. Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water.