Scientific analysis, data, and evaluations contribute to better management and sustainability practices. Learn more about data collection, impact analysis, and data-limited stock assessments.


Fish Smart

This is a call to action from fishers to their colleagues in the Wider Caribbean. It shows the mesmerizing behavior of species that aggregate to spawn in the wider Caribbean, and exposes the reasons why fishing spawning fish doesn't pay off. The film is also a call for fishers to participate in the decision-making process and the search for alternative likelihoods that provide income during the fishing bans. Ultimately the message is FISH SMART, protect spawning aggregations.

Estudio de costo beneficio de escenarios de recuperación de la pesquería de mero en Yucatán

En 2020, un estudio de escenarios y proyecciones de aprovechamiento de la pesquería de mero en Yucatán reportó que las cuotas de captura podrían ser parte de las medidas de manejo aplicables para la recuperación del stock, además de explorar los posibles efectos de la selectividad de las artes de pesca y la variabilidad ambiental en el stock de mero rojo. Es por lo anterior que el objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar los efectos en la población y los costos asociados en el corto y mediano plazo del establecimiento de una cuota de captura, así como la modificación de las tallas de captura a través de un incremento en el tamaño del anzuelo utilizado para su captura, bajo condiciones ambientales promedio y bajo dos escenarios de cambio climático.

Shark and Ray Recovery Fact Sheet 3 - Tubbataha, Philippines

Recovery of reef and tiger sharks in Tubbataha, Philippines: Three decades of conservation efforts at a remote Philippine coral reef complex – which have included plenty of trial and error as well as successes – have paid off, and today underpin one of the most important areas for sharks in the Coral Triangle.

Identifying Pathways for Climate-Resilient Multispecies Fisheries

These case studies – from Mexico, Cuba, and Chile – differ in data richness, governance structure, and management resources. The management systems are also in various stages of evolution from unmanaged to complete management of a single species but transitioning to multispecies management.

Coral Reef Monitoring in Eastern Africa - A Guide for Communities

This guide fills a critical gap by providing a carefully thought through and practical approach for community-led coral reef and fisheries monitoring. It provides guidance on how local communities, with minimal support, can independently undertake simple coral reef habitat and fisheries monitoring, data collection, analysis and interpretation of their data to improve understanding of the status of their resource and be able to devise appropriate management actions.