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Welcome to the Resource Library. Here you will find a range of resources that you can use to support your small-scale fishery and community. Use the buttons above to browse resources by category or use the filters on the right to sort resources.
FAO State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020: Sustainability in Action
The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture aims to provide objective, reliable and up-to-date information to a wide audience – policymakers, managers, scientists, stakeholders and indeed everyone interested in the fisheries and aquaculture sector.
SSF Guidelines: Gender equity and equality
Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines): Gender Equity & Equality
Guía para fortalecer la gobernanza de la pesca en los territorios indígenas de Centroamérica
La presente guía ha sido desarrollada con los elementos brindados por lo líderes indígenas y pescadores indígenas por medio de la APICA y representantes de las instituciones estatales dedicadas a la desarrollo de la pesca en los países centroamericanos , siendo priorizados y consensuados por los representantes indígenas centroamericanos para valorar la gobernanza de la pesca indígena para la afirmación de la gestión territorial en función del crecimiento económico, la inclusión social y protección ambiental.
Empowering women in small-scale fisheries for sustainable food systems
"This document provides a summary of the presentations, discussions, conclusions and recommendations of the regional inception workshop, "Empowering women in small-scale fisheries for sustainable food systems" held in Accra, Ghana from 3-5 March 2020."
Safety at sea for small-scale fishers
This manual has been made primarily for small-scale fishers who use vessels of less than 12 meters in length. This manual provides examples of accidents that may occur onboard fishing vessels and useful tips to prevent such accidents from happening.
Fisheries Learning Exchanges: A short guide to best practice
This handbook provides guidance on developing, implementing, evaluating and sustaining fisheries learning exchanges.
Improving livelihoods and gender relations in the Barotse Floodplain fishery, Zambia
Drama skits that challenge gender norms have enabled women processors in the Barotse Floodplain to adopt and equitably benefit from improved processing technologies that reduce fish losses.
Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change Empowers Coastal Communities in Timor-Leste
Community members and leaders in the coastal districts of Atauro and Batugade in Timor-Leste learn how to protect their livelihoods against climate change by using community-based adaptation processes.
Community-based fisheries management in Solomon Islands
To replenish dwindling fish stocks and ensure plentiful supplies for future generations, communities are developing fisheries management plans to control the use of marine resources.
The importance of fisheries management
Effective fisheries management is essential for healthy, sustainable oceans and for improving the livelihoods of fishing communities worldwide. Watch now to learn about the status of global fisheries and why fisheries management is so important.