Human activities have impacts on the natural environment such as habitat loss, invasive species, pollution, ocean acidification, coastal development, and offshore drilling. Learn how these human-induced threats impact small-scale fishing activities and communities.


Impact of Ocean Risks on SIDS and LDCs

Coastal communities in SIDS and LDCs have high levels of exposure and sensitivity to ocean risks, in part owing to the heavy dependency on the sea for fisheries and tourism. This report outlines the impacts of prominent biophysical and anthropogenic stressors on SIDS and LDCs, highlights the key social-ecological features that shape their vulnerabilities to these stressors, and suggests potential ways to mitigate ocean risks and build resilience.

Dead fish is not manna

This publication brings to the frontline, issues that beg for attention in the fisheries sector. Chapter one of this publication, titled COVID-19 and Fisheries, highlights how the pandemic has affected the fisheries subsector. Chapter two, titled Dead Fish is not Manna, captures the peculiarities and challenges of fisheries in Nigeria noting the contaminated state of some of the fishes sold in the country's markets.