Capacity development helps small-scale fishing communities gain, strengthen, and maintain the ability to sustain and develop their livelihoods. Discover ways to enhance the capacity of small-scale fishing communities. 


Guía Metodológica para Construir Resiliencia ante el Cambio Climático en Comunidades Pesqueras

Ethos Laboratorio de Políticas Públicas y EDF México, con financiamiento de la Fundación Tinker, colaboran en el proyecto “Estrategias de resiliencia de las comunidades pesqueras mexicanas ante el cambio climático” (2021-2023), con el objetivo de fortalecer la resiliencia de las comunidades pesqueras ribereñas frente a los impactos del cambio climático. Para ello, han diseñado una guía metodológica, que consiste en una serie de pasos cuya implementación resulta en un Plan Comunitario de Resiliencia.

International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022 Global Action Plan

The IYAFA 2022 Global Action Plan (IYAFA GAP) aims at building global momentum to empower small-scale artisanal fisheries and aquaculture and securing a sustainable future for these important sectors. Outlined here are a series of indicative and interconnected actions that are mutually reinforcing in the pillars of work.

Barbuda Blue Halo Enforecement Blueprint

The Barbuda Blue Halo Initiative (BBHI) aims to develop sustainable ocean policy and local management capacity for the enforcement of fishery regulations within the Codrington Lagoon National Park (CLNP) and throughout Barbuda’s near shore jurisdictional waters (3NM). The BBHI represents a collaborative effort among the Barbuda Council, the Government of Antigua & Barbuda, and the Waitt Institute.

Energising local economies: experiences of solar start-ups in Kenya's small-scale fishing and agriculture sectors

How are enterprises and NGOs in rural Kenya addressing poor people’s needs for energy that helps them earn a living? This paper looks at what new solar start-ups are doing to promote productive energy use in the fishing, agriculture and service sectors. It asks what specific productive energy needs the projects are targeting — such as cold storage for fish caught in Lake Victoria — and how they address the various barriers that prevent communities from fulfilling those needs. The six case studies include microgrids, irrigation pumps and multi-service energy hubs.

FishCounts: increasing the visibility of small-scale fisheries in Cambodia's national planning

This report explores the current state of Cambodia’s fisheries and the data that would be needed to develop such a set of accounts. It considers the country’s existing statistical information and monitoring efforts, and where the gaps, inconsistencies and overlaps lie. It proposes a phased approach to build on what already exists to create greater visibility for the contribution of small-scale fisheries to the national economy and their role in developing sustainable fishing and aquaculture in the face of growing demands and climate change.