What are ways to strengthen the value chain of your fishery and earn more from harvests? Small-scale fisheries are essential to the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people, including fishers and fish workers. Supporting the people working along fishery value chains and strengthening infrastructure and processes are critical to the well-being of small-scale fisheries communities. Start here to learn about value chains, post harvest, and trade and explore the sub-categories below


Direct-to-Consumer Strategies for Seafood: The Landscape, Challenges, and Opportunities since COVID-19

This report categorizes the different types of direct-to-consumer [D2C] models that currently exist within the seafood sector, and evaluates their respective strengths and weaknesses, the enabling conditions important for certain models to thrive, as well as barriers to scale and growth. The goal is to provide insight into how these models may affect the way wild capture seafood is bought and sold around the world, and in particular, the impact this may have on social and environmentally responsible seafood initiatives.

Global Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Seafood Industry

For nearly two years, local, regional, and global fisheries and seafood supply chains have been forced to adjust and adapt to the unprecedented conditions brought on by the COVID-19 global pandemic. This study seeks to synthesize the complex conditions and outcomes to date, and provide an overview of the current landscape of change. Within that landscape we explore which trends or pa terns emerged simply as stop gaps in a moment of crisis, and which shifts are likely to last in the long-term.