Small-scale fishing communities can benefit from improving the handling, landing, catch-and-release, and processing of fishery products. Discover how to help avoid spoilage, increase income, promote a safer working environment, and improve sanitary conditions. 


Dead fish is not manna

This publication brings to the frontline, issues that beg for attention in the fisheries sector. Chapter one of this publication, titled COVID-19 and Fisheries, highlights how the pandemic has affected the fisheries subsector. Chapter two, titled Dead Fish is not Manna, captures the peculiarities and challenges of fisheries in Nigeria noting the contaminated state of some of the fishes sold in the country's markets.

Manual de Buenas Prácticas en las Faenas de Pesca Artesanal

"El presente manual ha sido diseñado en el marco del proyecto "Fortalecimento de Prácticas de Pesca Sostenibles para la Autogestión: Empoderando Pescadores Artesanales Lambayecanos" (PNIPA-PES-SEREX-127), financiado por el Programa Nacional de Innovación en Pesca y Acuicultura (PNIPA). El objectivo del manual es contribuir con el foralecimiento de prácticas de pesca artesanal responsable de pescadores artesanales de San José - Lamayeque. El manual contiene informacón generada a través del dictado de módulos informativos teórico-prácticos, desarrollados a lo largo del proyecto."

Manual of Good Hygiene Practice for Fishing Boats and Fish Landing Sites in Small-scale Fisheries

"This manual provides small-scale fisheries stakeholders with guidance on how to handle fishery products (FP) hygienically and carefully to produce food that is safe to eat and of high quality. It is intended for use by small scale fishers and other stakeholders in community based FP supply chains. It is a working manual and aims to raise awareness of hygiene and quality standards and how to achieve them. The overall aim of the manual is to provide small scale fisheries stakeholders with the basic knowledge to improve food health quality of FP, reduce post harvest losses and so increase income from small-scale fishery operations."