COVID-19 is having far-reaching global impacts on human-health and food security. Stay informed on how the global pandemic is affecting communities, trade, and people involved in small-scale fisheries.


Dead fish is not manna

This publication brings to the frontline, issues that beg for attention in the fisheries sector. Chapter one of this publication, titled COVID-19 and Fisheries, highlights how the pandemic has affected the fisheries subsector. Chapter two, titled Dead Fish is not Manna, captures the peculiarities and challenges of fisheries in Nigeria noting the contaminated state of some of the fishes sold in the country's markets.

Portraits of Change Video Series

This eight-part video series seeks to raise awareness of the impacts of climate change and other stressors on fishers, fish workers and fishing communities across the globe. These videos provide a firsthand account of the battles faced by fishers and fish workers as they are faced with declining fish populations, increasingly common extreme weather events and disruptions due to climate change, COVID-19 and other stressors.