How can your fishery benefit all community members in an equitable manner? A human rights-based approach recognizes and promotes the roles of all fishery stakeholders, while uplifting women and other marginalized people. Upholding the rights of all people through inclusive, participatory decision-making and working towards preventing human-rights abuses is fundamental to successful small-scale fisheries. Start here to learn about gender equity and equality and use the sub-categories below to identify stakeholders and understand their rights, and yours. 


Pacific handbook for gender equity and social inclusion in coastal fisheries and aquaculture

This handbook is designed to give practical guidance on improving gender and social inclusion in coastal fisheries and aquaculture for staff working in fisheries agencies in Pacific Island countries and territories. It focuses on the responsibilities of Pacific Island governments to help promote sustainable development outcomes for all people relying on coastal fisheries and aquaculture for their livelihoods.

The traditional tenure rights in the clam fishery of the Volta Estuary.

This report examines traditional management and tenure arrangements in the clam fishery of the Volta river estuary and provides recommendations for ensuring the sustainability of the clam fishery, which is critical for local livelihoods and food security.

Why they must be counted: Significant contributions of Fijian women fishers to food security and livelihoods

Women play crucial roles in small-scale fisheries, yet their contributions are largely invisible, often ignored and unrecognized. This study conducted household and focus group surveys to examine the role of indigenous Fijian (iTaukei) women in SSF, documenting fishing practices and contributions to household food security and income.

Towards gender-equitable small-scale fisheries governance and development

This document, Towards Gender-Equitable Small-Scale Fisheries – A handbook In support of the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (henceforth the “handbook”), was developed to support gender-equitable small-scale fisheries by enhancing the understanding of their gender dimensions, with a focus on the specific role and conditions of women in the small-scale fisheries sector.

Legislating for sustainable small-scale fisheries

This document, Legislating for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries – A guide and considerations for implementing aspects of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication in National Legislation, is a tool for States to strengthen their fisheries legislation in order to establish conditions for inclusive and sustainable small-scale fisheries development, taking into account the interrelatedness of social, economic and environmental sustainability, while focusing on marginalized groups.

Pescadores en México y Cuba: Retos y oportunidades ante el cambio climático

Este libro da cuenta de los retos que pescadores y pescadoras de México y Cuba afrontan frente al cambio climático: el cambio en sus artes de pesca, el conocimiento que tienen sobre los cambios que han sufrido los ecosistemas y el clima –desde la perspectiva de varias generaciones atrás en contraste con la generación actual, así como los cambios climáticos locales que son periódicos, como “El Niño”-, de las formas de organización social, de la participación de las pescadoras en la ciencia ciudadana y también, de los cambios que como científicos y científicas hacemos a nuestros marcos teóricos y a las bases de datos para el análisis de especies y capturas. En fin, cada vez es más evidente que la multidisciplina es una necesidad creciente para entender los problemas complejos, y la relación entre cambio climático, pescadores-pescadoras y pesquerías no es la excepción.