How can your fishery benefit all community members in an equitable manner? A human rights-based approach recognizes and promotes the roles of all fishery stakeholders, while uplifting women and other marginalized people. Upholding the rights of all people through inclusive, participatory decision-making and working towards preventing human-rights abuses is fundamental to successful small-scale fisheries. Start here to learn about gender equity and equality and use the sub-categories below to identify stakeholders and understand their rights, and yours. 


Illuminating Hidden Harvests (IHH) Report

The IHH study was carried out in support of the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines), themselves developed in recognition of the plight of small-scale fishers, fishworkers and associated communities and released as a contribution to the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022. The purpose of this report is to contribute to a more holistic understanding of what small-scale fisheries are, their importance, and why they are essential to efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Guidelines for Supporting Fishery Improvement Projects

With the 2022 update, the Guidelines explain how FIPs create opportunities to drive change through collective public-private action to address human rights and labor rights issues. To identify social risks, the Guidelines recommend that FIPs use the Social Responsibility Assessment Tool for the Seafood Sector (SRA), a rapid assessment tool that FIPs can use to identify areas of risk related to social issues, or similar tool.

Blue Infrastructure Supporting SDG 14 in Coastal Communities in Indonesia

In this white paper, “Blue Infrastructure Supporting SDG 14 in Coastal Communities in Indonesia,” we outline the pros, cons, and impact of blue infrastructure solutions, alternatives, and adaptations to gray infrastructure that will best suit the needs of coastal communities in Indonesia. We provide examples of what is working around the world, and hope this serves as a resource for other partners and decision-makers who want to achieve U.N. Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water.