Illegal fishing and lack of enforcement can impact the well-being and security of small-scale fishers and the resources they depend on. Learn more about illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUU), banned fishing practices, and fraudulent seafood.


The untapped potential of story to sell seafood

As part of its overall effort to bring greater transparency and traceability to seafood supply chains, Future of Fish set out to explore the power of story to sell more fish and to determine what elements of that story most influence consumer purchasing behavior. This study is part of a series of investigations to identify the business benefits of data-rich supply chains and ignite market incentives for more responsibly harvested and traded seafood.

Local management of marine resources - A guide for communities in Kenya and mainland Tanzania

This guide, available in both English and Kiswahili, has been designed to provide guidance to community members and resource users who wish to manage their own natural resources by developing a strategy for local management of their coastal area and marine resources. It is meant not as a comprehensive, step-by-step guide, but rather as an introduction to the important ideas and processes involved in establishing local management. The guide provides some links where those interested can find out further information or can request support and practical assistance.

The Governance of Artisanal Fisheries in the Sherbo River Area of Sierra Leone

This report sets out the historic and existing governance arrangements for artisanal fishing in the Sherbro River Estuary (hereafter the Estuary’), where fishing is vital to the livelihoods and food security of local communities. It uses research from 17 community visits and interviews of key stakeholders to analyse current and historic conditions at the levels of local communities, traditional authorities, local government and central government.

Dead fish is not manna

This publication brings to the frontline, issues that beg for attention in the fisheries sector. Chapter one of this publication, titled COVID-19 and Fisheries, highlights how the pandemic has affected the fisheries subsector. Chapter two, titled Dead Fish is not Manna, captures the peculiarities and challenges of fisheries in Nigeria noting the contaminated state of some of the fishes sold in the country's markets.