How can you build a strong governance and management system for your fishery and community? Fisheries governance systems, formal or informal, help make and enforce rules about our fisheries. Co-management and participatory decision-making help ensure that fisheries management benefits local communities. Start here to learn about secure tenure and co-management and explore other resources in the sub-categories below.


The Status, Achievements and Impacts of Collaborative Fisheries Management Approaches in the SWIO Region

The main aim of this report is to establish the status and achievement of co-management, contribute to the development of successful fisheries co-management in the SWIO region and share lessons learned from previous and existing interventions. The information generated in this report will be of invaluable contribution to the own going fisheries co-management interventions and future work on this topic. There are various fisheries co-management initiatives in the SWIO region supported by both government and non-governmental entities.

Policy Brief on Regional Minimum Terms and Conditions for Granting Fishing Access in the South West Indian Ocean (SWIO)

The Regional Minimum Terms and Conditions Guidelines for granting fisheries access in the SWIO region were developed and adopted by the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SWIOFC) member states. This policy brief prepared by SWIOTUNA serves to raise awareness among her constituents and the general public about these regional MTC guidelines and urges SWIO member states to accelerate its implementation at national and regional level.

Coral Reef Monitoring in Eastern Africa - A Guide for Communities

This guide fills a critical gap by providing a carefully thought through and practical approach for community-led coral reef and fisheries monitoring. It provides guidance on how local communities, with minimal support, can independently undertake simple coral reef habitat and fisheries monitoring, data collection, analysis and interpretation of their data to improve understanding of the status of their resource and be able to devise appropriate management actions.

Small-scale fisheries and sustainable development

Key findings from the Illuminating Hidden Harvests report - This brief presents the main results from the Illuminating Hidden Harvests (IHH) report, providing new, clearer insights to support the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) and progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Small-Scale Fisheries and the Human Right to Adequate Food

This handbook has been developed to support the joint implementation of the SSF Guidelines and the Right to Food Guidelines through an integrated approach and to increase policy coherence and uptake. The document provides an overview of the contents of these voluntary guidelines and identifies potential synergies. It also explains the human rights-based approach and discusses some crucial areas, with special attention to the specific roles and responsibilities of key actors.

A policy and legal diagnostic tool for sustainable small-scale fisheries

This diagnostic tool advances the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) through policy and legal frameworks. By using this tool, users are able to recognize the national policy and legal instruments that are relevant to small-scale fisheries in a country, consistent with the SSF Guidelines.

Ghost Gear Factsheets

Otherwise known as ‘ghost gear’, ALDFG is the most harmful form of marine debris as it is designed to last a long time. In response to a need for information on this topic, GCFI has produced new fact sheets that seek to share pertinent information about ALDFG and to promote the adoption of best management practices for preventing and reducing the impact of ALDFG.