One important change that policymakers, governments, bi-lateral, and multi-lateral organizations can make to help make coastal communities more resilient, especially to the impacts of climate change, is to invest in blue infrastructure. Blue infrastructure incorporates nature-based solutions with sustainably designed traditional (or “gray”) infrastructure. It solves the same challenges that traditional infrastructure tries to address: energy, transportation, flood management, etc. But it does so in a more holistic way that promotes sustainability, protects ecosystems, and can save money in the short- and long-run.
Rare understands that in order for small-scale fisheries and the communities they sustain to thrive, we need to take a holistic approach to solving the challenge these communities face. In this white paper, “Blue Infrastructure Supporting SDG 14 in Coastal Communities in Indonesia,” we outline the pros, cons, and impact of blue infrastructure solutions, alternatives, and adaptations to gray infrastructure that will best suit the needs of coastal communities in Indonesia. We provide examples of what is working around the world, and hope this serves as a resource for other partners and decision-makers who want to achieve U.N. Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water.
This white paper was originally drafted to explore how the Marine and Fisheries Financing Initiative, a proposed financing vehicle dedicated to fund projects that support SDG 14, can build resilience in coastal communities by applying an integrated approach to infrastructure financing.