Tenure rights protect fishers and fishworkers’ secure access to the resources upon which they depend. Learn more about securing rights over a fishery and fishing ground and what systems can be used to protect those rights.


A policy and legal diagnostic tool for sustainable small-scale fisheries

This diagnostic tool advances the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) through policy and legal frameworks. By using this tool, users are able to recognize the national policy and legal instruments that are relevant to small-scale fisheries in a country, consistent with the SSF Guidelines.

Traditional Knowledge of Northern Waters

Traditional Knowledge of Northern Waters 2018 was a project that focused on two iconic Arctic river basins in the Fennoscandian and Russian North – the Skolt Sámi home stream of Näätämö river flowing from Finland to the Barents Sea and Ponoi river on Kola Peninsula, Russia. A third geographical area of the project was the coastal community of Sosnovka which is in close proximity to the Ponoi river mouth. The project benefitted from previous scientific work that commenced in the area 2006. The project was led by the Snowchange Cooperative (FI) with House of Culture (Lovozero, Russia) and CBM – Swedish Biodiversity Center being project partners together with Sámi organisations. Funding was provided by NEFCO PECC-1 Programme.

Protocolo de monitoreo para reservas marinas

El presente protocolo se realizó con la inspiración de diferentes protocolos que se emplean en los tres ecosistemas prioritarios donde COBI trabaja. El objetivo principal es fortalecer las capacidades de los socios comunitarios, personal de áreas naturales protegidas, investigadores, estudiantes, y voluntarios en general, los cuales podrán conocer y aprender las diferentes técnicas de monitoreo, especies que se censan en estos ecosistemas prioritarios y así lograr una colecta de datos estandarizada a nivel nacional.

Local management of marine resources - A guide for communities in Kenya and mainland Tanzania

This guide, available in both English and Kiswahili, has been designed to provide guidance to community members and resource users who wish to manage their own natural resources by developing a strategy for local management of their coastal area and marine resources. It is meant not as a comprehensive, step-by-step guide, but rather as an introduction to the important ideas and processes involved in establishing local management. The guide provides some links where those interested can find out further information or can request support and practical assistance.

Taking stock of the Voluntary Guidelines on Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries — Development and testing of a country-level assessment tool

The SSF Guidelines detail a rich, multisectoral compilation of good practices for a wide range of stakeholders to be aware of and to adopt to secure sustainable small-scale fisheries for food security and poverty eradication. As such the Tool is designed to raise awareness of these good practices and to support a country-level assessment of status of implementation to inform programming and project design.