This study was conducted in June and July 2016, in the fishing areas of Mwanza and Kagera regions in the Lake Victoria side of Tanzania. The focus of this study was on dagaa (sardines) (Rastrineobola argentea) fishery which involves mostly women in its overall value chain. The study sites were areas that are specialized in dagaa fishery and these include Lushonga Island located in the Muleba District of Kagera Region, Mwanza Kirumba international Fish Market and in some of the landing beaches in nyamagana and Ilemela districts in Mwanza. The findings of the study are presented as case studies in the form of two video clips. One explores the role and place of women along fisheries value chain: The significance and values their involvement in fisheries brings to the communities and fisheries development. Why are they involved in fisheries? How are they organized for space in decision-making and policy processes? The second video case study explores the challenges that women involved in fisheries activities face: What successes have they achieved? How can their participation in fisheries be strategically improved? It also explains the strategies in place at local and national levels to counter and improve the situation. The study is also presented in the form of this short report that further describes issues presented or could have been missed out in the video clips.
Find the videos here:
Women in Small-scale Fisheries in Tanzania: Challenges and Opportunities
Role and Place of Women in Fisheries Value Chain: Case of Dagaa Fishery in Lake Victoria