Celebrating Two Years of the SSF Hub
SSF Highlight January 2023
During the second year of the Small-Scale Fisheries Resource and Collaboration Hub, the SSF Hub community continued to work together to collaborate and provide resources and a platform for small-scale fishers, fish workers and small-scale fishing communities around the world. Over the course of 2022, the SSF Hub increased the offerings in its Resource Library, launched new Groups and Discussions, worked on community grants with small-scale fishing organizations from across the globe and launched the SSF Hub Fisher Voices Campaign in support of IYAFA 2022.
The SSF Hub was developed for – and with – small-scale fishery actors and will continue to adapt and evolve to the needs and priorities of small-scale fishing communities. Thank you to all of the SSF Hub Community Members and everyone who has contributed to the SSF Hub!

The SSF Hub works to grow the Resource Library; it now contains over 280 toolkits, videos, reports, and other resources. Users can find information on topics such as financing for small-scale fisheries, ethical communication practices, and developing community resilience to climate change. The SSF Hub continues to seek out tools and publications that serve fishers and practitioners from across the globe and currently has resources that relate to over 75 different countries in 50 different languages.
Learn more about some of our newest and most popular resources from 2022:

A good practice guide for ethical and inclusive communications involving small-scale fisheries

Cambio Climático en México: Recomendaciones de Política Pública para la Adaptación del Sector Pesquero y Acuícola
Highlight Stories
Each month, we collaborated with SSF Hub Partners and fisher organizations to highlight different stories from around the world. Explore some of the 2022 SSF Highlights below!
September 2022

The Mwambao Coastal Community Network Help Protect Tanzania’s Pemba Channel Conservation Area
November 2022

Elevando la llamada a la acción para la pesca artesanal a nivel nacional

Community Grants
The SSF Hub was able to partner with ten small-scale fishing organizations and people from across the globe to share their work on the Hub’s website and with its community. Grantees are based in Costa Rica, Peru, Montserrat, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Their work included shellfish reseeding efforts, empowering and supporting the next generation of fishers, documenting and sharing SSF voices, and facilitating community discussions.
Learn more about some of our partner organizations:
SSF Hub Presents: Fisher Voices, IYAFA 2022 Campaign
2022 marked an important year for generating global awareness of the importance of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development and food security. The International Year of Artisanal Fisheries & Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022) aims to empower fishers, communities, governments, and nonprofits to build partnerships, take action, and drive policies in support of small-scale fisheries.
As part of this effort, the SSF Hub launched a 15 month campaign designed to elevate the voices of fishers and draw attention to topics that are important to the sustainability and future of small-scale fisheries. The activities of the campaign aim to facilitate the exchange of stories and best practices and drive change.
Learn more about IYAFA 2022 here
Learn more about the SSF Hub's IYAFA 2022 Campaign here

Fisher Voices Videos
As part of this campaign, the SSF Hub developed its Fisher Voices series, a collection of videos of fishers speaking directly on their experiences and issues that are important to them. Watch the collection by clicking the link below.
Regional Dialogues & Webinars
The SSF Hub provides a platform for small-scale fishers to share their stories and needs with a global audience. As part of the IYAFA campaign, the SSF Hub helped facilitate Regional Dialogues on the importance of Learning Networks in Latin America. Members of small-scale fisheries learning networks in Peru, Chile, and Cuba shared their thoughts and ideas of how these networks can strengthen community development and sustainable ecosystems.
Watch a recording of the Experiencias en Redes de Aprendizaje para la Pesca Artesanal en Latinoamérica y El Caribe webinar here.
In March, the SSF Hub worked with Sustainable Development Foundation of Thailand (SDF), National Fisheries Solidarity Organization (NAFSO), and COAST Foundation to bring together three woman fishers and leaders to discuss their role in their community and fisheries and illuminate the challenges that they face in achieving gender equality.
Watch the summary video here
Watch a recording of the webinar here
The SSF Hub is currently planning two more webinars for early 2023 - these will focus on Small-Scale Fisheries Tenure & Governance as well as the importance of small-scale fisheries in sustainable development and blue economy agendas. Learn more here.
Women & Gender
Policy Action Toolkit
Women's contributions to small-scale fisheries and aquaculture are frequently overlooked and under-recognized. 45 million women participate in small-scale fisheries operations globally, which constitutes greater than 40% of the fisheries workforce.
The Policy Action Toolkit contains resources, declarations, case studies, and information designed to support Gender Equity & Equality as part of the SSF Guidelines and the Pillars of IYAFA.

Photographers: Azim Khan Ronnie; Aldo Santoro; XingXing Fang; Muhammad Amdad Hossain; Muhammad Amdad Hossain; Jahid Apu [clockwise from top left]
HLPF 2022
Women in Small-Scale Fisheries and Aquaculture | HLPF 2022
In partnership with Iceland, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Aquatic Blue Food Coalition, GRO-FTP, and WorldFish CGIAR, and the SSF Hub, representatives gathered small-scale fishery with government officials to discuss the ways that building back from COVID and achieving the SDGs will benefit the livelihoods of women in small-scale fishing communities and support policy action for achieving SDGs 5 and 14. Watch the full webinar by clicking the link below.

SSF Hub Improvements
The SSF Hub is a growing platform that will continue to adapt to the needs of small-scale fishers and actors. After launching the SSF Hub in 2021, the partners and supporters gathered feedback and suggestions from users on their experience with the platform and implemented changes to better meet their needs. In 2022, this feedback resulted in a new homepage design and an increase in the number of languages that the site is able to translate. Please use the contact form to share the ways that you use the SSF Hub and how the site can continue to adapt and improve.
This article is part of the SSF Highlights series of articles published regularly to the SSF Hub. To read previous SSF Highlights, follow this link.