Sustainable Food Value Chains for Nutrition

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"This course aims to equip project designers and managers with the concepts, principles and tools they need to leverage value chain approaches to improve nutrition through agriculture and food systems. 

The concept of Sustainable Food Value Chains for Nutrition (SFVCN) was first presented in 2016 at the 43rd session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) and is the framework adopted by the Rome Based Agencies (RBAs). An SFVCN approach considers how development of a sustainable food value chain can contribute to improving nutrition of a target population.

You will learn about

  • Key concepts related to SFVCN, including diet and nutrition and value chains and their sustainability. 
  • The elements of the SFVCN analytical framework, including potential strategies and entry points for interventions. 
  • The three impact pathways by which an SFVCN can improve nutrition. 
  • The process of developing an SFVCN project, including analyses and identification of commodities and interventions."

© FAO 2020