Countries across the globe including Spain, Peru, Brazil, the Phillipines and many others celebrate Saint Peter or San Pedro every year on June 29 as Fishermen’s Day. This is because Saint Peter is the patron saint of Fishermen since he was originally a fisherman by profession. San Pedro Day is typically filled with maritime processions, attending mass, dancing, competitions, delicious food, and other festivities. To share stories of how people celebrate this special day, the SSF Hub hosted a photography contest in the Community Forum and received submissions from various countries including Chile and Peru. 

Big congratulations to the top 3 winners of the San Pedro Photography Contest 2021 who received the most votes on the Hub!

First Place: Percy Gianmarco Bayona


community members in Piura, Peru carrying San Pedro statue

First place went to Percy Gianmarco Bayona from the coastal town of La Islilla, near Seal Island, in Peru. He wrote a beautiful recount of the celebrations starting with the camaretazos, or gunpowder rockets, on the eve of San Pedro Day. Percy is now the Hub’s Featured Member, so go and have a look at his profile

Second Place: Percy Bayona Vite


San Pedro statue

In second place, we have Percy Bayona Vite also from La Islilla in Peru who is actually the first place winner’s father! Percy detailed events with the times at which they happened, including sailing competitions.

Third Place: Ubaldo Gabriel Tume Periche

fishermen celebrating San Pedro Day on boats in Cabo Blanco, Peru

Third place went to Ubaldo Gabriel Tume Periche from Cabo Blanco, Peru. Ubaldo shared wonderful photos of boats in festive decorations and people at sea from various years that showcase different generations. 

Special thank you to everyone who shared photos with us: Nina Pardo, Nils Ericsson Cabrera Bernal, Alois Moroni Cabrera Bernal, Carlito Turner, Alexis Nicole Rife, Eligio Pingo Maza, Manuel Vitalino Cañote Chunga, Claudio Picchaud, Manuel Chapeyquen, Carlos Chapilliquen, Zoila Bustamante, Víctor David Tume Periche, Lesther Gustavo Panta Ecca , and Mariella Cecilia Tume Periche.

Be sure to check out everyone’s photos and stories on the Hub:


This article is part of the SSF Highlights series of articles published regularly to the SSF Hub.  To read previous SSF Highlights, follow this link

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