Fisher Voices Interview Guide
The Fisher Voices videos are short interviews or self-recorded videos that capture small-scale fisher voices on a variety of topics. People that live and work in small-scale fisheries are able to directly share their perspectives, concerns, and the actions they would like to see in their communities, from the local to global level. We are hoping to get interviews that discuss the four themes of the SSF Hub’s IYAFA campaign, however, these videos can be on any topic that fishers wish to discuss.These videos will be shared on the SSF Hub, on social media, and in communications materials to help build increased awareness of the issues facing small-scale fishing communities and drive action to support them.
This guide can be used to share your perspective, or to conduct an interview with someone else.
A PDF version of the Video Interview Guide is available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Swahili, Bahasa, Chinese, Tamil, Sinhala, Bengali, Hindi, Thai, Tagalog, and Haitian Creole.
- If you are interested in recording a video, please review the explanation above, and take note that your interview will be shared publicly via the internet and in documents made available to people around the world.
- Identify which topics you are interested in sharing your thoughts on. You have the option of answering the Interview Questions in the section below, or speak freely on any topic you wish to discuss.
- Read some tips below on how to shoot a professional video on a phone.
- When you begin recording, introduce yourself: Say hello, your name, where you are and what you do.
- You can submit as many videos as you would like. Videos can be in any language and will be subtitled on YouTube.
After completing the interview, send your video(s) to the SSF Hub. You can find instructions on how to submit a video further down on this page.
- Identify people that are willing to share their perspectives on issues in small-scale fisheries.
- Ask the interviewee for their permission to record the interview and explain how the interviews will be used (you can read them the passage above) and that they will be shared publicly via the internet and in
- documents and made available to people around the world.
- Only proceed if you have permission to record and share the interview. To seek this permission use the prompt below.
- Identify which topics below the interviewee is interested in sharing their thoughts on.
- Ask them a selection of Interview Questions from the section below. There are questions on general perspectives on SSFs as well as four specific topics. We welcome responses to any of the questions.
- Read some tips below on how to shoot a professional video on a phone.
- When you begin recording, begin by using the Prompt for Initiating an Interview
- Then they can respond to the questions of their choice.
- After completing the interview, send your video(s) to the SSF Hub. You can find instructions on how to submit a video further down on this page.
If you are interviewing someone, please use the following prompt:
Q: Can you tell me your name, where you are from, and your occupation or what you do for your livelihood?
A: ___________
Q. [Interviewee name], we’d like to record our conversation about your perspectives on small-scale fisheries. The interview will be shared on the SSF Hub, on social media, and in communications materials. Are you ok if we film our conversation and share your responses?
A. [If yes, you can continue with the interview; if no, stop taping. Please honor any special requests that are made, for example if they ask for their comments to be made anonymously, or they would prefer to write down their responses and send them to you.]
- Tell me about yourself and your livelihood.
- Why are small-scale fishers important?
- What do you hope your livelihood and community will look like in 10 years?
- What are the biggest issues affecting your livelihood and community?
- What roles do women play in your community's fisheries and how do they contribute to food security and nutrition?
- What are some of the unique challenges faced by women working in small-scale fisheries? What are some of the largest challenges faced by women fishers and fishworkers in your community today?
- Do you think climate change is having an impact on your fishery and your livelihood? What does this look like?
- What do you think you and your community need to do in order to be more climate resilient?
- What do you want to say to other people working, living in, and affecting policies related to small-scale fisheries?
Submission Guidelines
- Send the video(s) on WhatsApp to (415) 610-8248 OR send using WeTransfer.com to our email at info@ssfhub.org. Make sure to include your / the speaker’s name and title in the submission. Please contact us at info@ssfhub.org if you need guidance on using WeTransfer.*
Tips for Shooting a Professional Video on a Phone
- Find a quiet space with minimal background noise that is not echoey.
- Find an interesting background with good lighting and no shadows on your / the speaker's face. If you are outside, make sure the sun is behind the camera person/phone.
- Hold the phone horizontally, keeping it as straight and level as possible.
- Keep the phone steady and check every so often to make sure the camera focus is on yourself / the speaker.
- If you are shooting a video of yourself, having someone else record or placing the phone on a tripod instead of holding it would be great options if possible.
- Speak clearly and casually. Look into the camera as if you’re addressing a group of people. Don’t feel rushed and if you need to start again or shoot a few takes, that’s ok!
- The video submissions can be in any language. The SSF Hub will support adding subtitles to the videos. If possible, please include a written transcript of the video to assist with translating the videos accurately.
If you / any of the interviewees are interested in participating in the webinars, please contact the SSF Hub using the Contact Form or email us at info@ssfhub.org
SSF Hub YouTube

Explore our collection of Fisher Voices Videos on our YouTube channel.
SSF Communications

A good practice guide for ethical and inclusive communications involving small-scale fisheries provides practical and simple guidance on how to communicate about small-scale fisheries in an inclusive, responsible and ethical way that respects the 108 million rights holders who depend on small-scale fisheries for food and income. By promoting positive narratives about small-scale fisheries and following good communication practices, we can all contribute to improving food security and nutrition, reducing poverty, and supporting a thriving subsector.